Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm bummed.

We got a call at nine-thirty this morning asking us to meet with the bishop at ten-thirty. Wonder what that could be. So we hustled to finish getting everyone ready and headed to church.

Callings. Big shocker! :) I was called as a primary teacher and Jason and I were called as ward missionaries together.

Let me just say that I have always been taught that you accept any calling from the Lord willingly. And I believe that one hundred percent.

I don't know exactly what our responsibilities will be as ward missionaries. I'm excited to find out.

However, I have been in the primary since we were first married. I'm not excited about this calling. And that makes me feel awful.

I want to be happy about it, but I really, really enjoy Sunday School and Relief Society! I LOVE them. And I love all the women I'm meeting through Relief Society.

I know I'll probably end up enjoying it. And I'll get to know a whole new set of women through primary. I'm just bummed right now, and I wish I weren't.

Then on top of that, I'm struggling today. I'm so addicted to all these wonderfully delicious fattening foods and I'm doing SO WELL avoiding them. But I always do well for one or two weeks and then I blow it.

So far I've been doing great. Today it feels hard. I really want to just binge eat all the junk that I love. :) Don't worry. I won't. I'm just having a hard time thinking about it today.

I decided to treat myself to pasta for dinner. I just chose a healthy whole wheat penne instead of the usual white pasta. I made a pasta salad. Lots of fresh veggies and a homemade lower fat/calorie Italian dressing.

It's better than a healthy veggie soup or a salad. But it's no Olive Garden breadsticks dipped in leftover alfredo sauce...sinful.

I just need to get past this hump. Like lifting weights. At first your arms are shaking and you don't think you can do it. Then all of the sudden, time passes, and the same weight that felt like too much feels like a feather.

I just need to get past the cravings and soon enough it will feel easy again. If you have any suggestions on how to get past this, please feel free!! Opinions welcome! :)

I'm off to eat my healthy crap now...


Semi Granola Mom said...

Healthy crap? Now that can't be too appetizing :) I hear you, I need to purge my house of all the tasty temptations as well :)
Good luck with the new callings.

Mandi Roth said...

Good luck with staying away from the junk!! It's very hard!! But i say keep your mind busy and not thinking about the yummy junk food that you could be eating.. Think healthy!!! Good luck with your callings, I agree to say yes as they are from the lord, but there are times you can say no. But good luck with the calling!! I am sure you will enjoy it, just takes some adjusting, and knowing it's from the lord. :)

Jobi Niu said...

UGH... PRIMARY.. don't even get me started.. HAHAHA I'm just kidding, ok, kinda not. :] But it's tough. I wish that we could just be in the calling for 6 months MAX then switch it up, or even team teachers so you teach every other week. NURSERY IS KILLING ME, I hardly know ANY of the women in the ward that I'm supposed to be planning a trillion enrichment activities for. But I need to have a better attitude or else I will not recieve blessings. GOOD JOB eating healthy McKenna! YOU CAN DO IT GIRL. I feel so much better and more energy when I eat healthy, do you? I love ya girl. K BYE

Sue said...

You are my hero. I love that you are so dedicated to being healthy. Haha, I've been craving Olive Garden all week! Keep it up cute girl.

The Brandt Clan Fam! said...

Keep it up McKenna. You're wonderful! :)

Alli Forsyth said...

You can do this.....It is so hard but if I can do it...I promise anyone can do it!! Are you a coupon shopper yet?

Tressa said...

I know how you feel about the Primary calling. That's where I was put when we moved into my current ward (after having been a primary teacher for SIX YEARS...) and I was not at all excited. They gave me a new calling for a while, and now I'm back in Nursery. All I have to say is, just be glad it's primary and not nursery!

Bugs said...

i've been in cub scouts for almost four years. my bishop won't even talk to me about releasing me!!! ;)

Andrew and Charonne- said...

ok, so this is my feeling- i totally agree that you need to accept callings, however: i was in nursery for 1 1/2 years before i got married, then was released for 1 month to get married. Then we wre called to primary for like 8-10 months, then we were realeased and moved, then in this ward we were called to primary again. I strated crying and andrew explained to him that we had just gotten out of primary, so they didnt call us after all cause they siad they didnt feel "inspired" anyway to ask us, they just figured that we would "work out " in that calling. So pray about it and if you dont feel good about it then tell them. For me i HAVE to go to relief society or my testimny gets hit, if that makes sense. I HAVE to be taught each week.

Anonymous said...

haha, healthy crap... that's totally how I feel. Oh, it's a sad day :)

womanoforangerinds8 said...

I know. I often got callings that took me out of the organizations that I really needed to participate in. I became a library helper and was stuck in there alone most of relief society and sunday school. That was really not good for me at the time. I needed a social outlet and I wasn't getting one. Plus, I really wanted to hear the lessons and chat with my favorite ladies...but I didn't get that either. Callings are hard, but good for you for your attitude.

Keep up the good work with the dieting and exercise. I'm super impressed! I could never do it.

Hilary said...

I'm with you on the healthy crap. I need to do so much better if I'm ever going to lose the last of my baby weight. As for primary, you are awesome for saying yes even though you'd rather not. I'm in the primary presidency in my ward right now and you'd be surprised how many people say no. I'm sure your ward greatly appreciates your help.

Andrew and Charonne- said...

you need to talk to my friend shannon, she lost 75 pounds and her hubbs lost 100 and they still went to olive garden, you just can order certain things. But she is AMAZING! And i know she would totally talk to you. She knows how to eat amzing meals that are so healthy and low points! I have had her meals and they are great!

Josh and Tiff said...

well i know how you feel about the calling thing... we've been in nursery 2 1/2 out of the 3 years we've been married... everyone i've talked to said it's completely normal to tell the bishop when offered the calling, your situation. Tell them that you've done it already so many times before and being in a new ward you would like to meet people and by being in primary, that won't happen so easily. we're moving in about a month and before we get a calling, i'm going to tell the bishop right off that we've had our fair share of nursery :)