Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'll give you 3 guesses...

I finally got the kids and myself in to the doc yesterday. We were there for 3 hours. It was super fun (note the sarcasm). By the time we were finished the kids had had enough and I was so exhausted that I gave up on keeping them out of trouble. Luckily, I have good kids and the most trouble they got into was taking 3 stickers instead of 1 when they were all done.

Anyway, my diagnosis? Severe sinus infection. It started spreading into my right ear a little, but not too bad yet. Just enough to cause a little pain and pressure, but not quite enough to really be called an ear infection. Because of the fetus (as I lovingly refer to baby #3) there isn't much I can take. So 2 giant 875mg amoxicillin pills a day it is! Wahoo. And that's on top of the nasty prenatals and my daily anxiety med. Did I mention I'm not a big pill swallowing fan? Oh well. Whatever. As long as I start feeling better ASAP!!

As for the kids, well. I'll give you 3 guesses!


Not that either.

And that one's not even close!

Are you ready for this? Because a blood test has confirmed that they have.......


Yeah. Mono. The kissing disease that you get when you're in junior high or high school or whatever that knocks you out for months. That mono.

Apparently it's been going around the community in young children. And you're contagious 3-7 days before symptoms even show up so it's not like you can really prevent the spread. Nice. I guess Jason and I are immune since most of us are exposed to mono at some point in our youth and don't even realize it. And in children this young they just have a few cold/flu-like symptoms, but for the most part they are acting completely normal. No meds needed. They are not contagious. And complications are highly unlikely. So we go back for a follow up in 2 weeks to make sure they are getting over it.

So weird. Not at all what I would have expected. But thank heavens it's something so strangely simple! Payson was thrilled when the doctor gave her the okay to go back to preschool. She's really been missing all of her friends and her teacher. And I think both kids are really missing a little more structure in their days. So as soon as I can get up some energy and start getting a little more sleep we'll get right back on track! Because I think we're really ready to start enjoying the holiday season the right way!!

Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. We really appreciate it. And thanks to friends and neighbors who have dropped by with meals or offers to pick up groceries, etc. We really have the best friends, neighbors, and family around!! Seriously. You should be jealous. :)


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Oh my gosh! They have mono?! That's crazy! Poor things! Hope the horse pills get you feeling better. I hate pills too. I think being preggo and sick is like the worst thing in the world. I wanted to die when I was sick being 7 months preggo. I think my doc thought I was crazy because I seriously thought I had cracked a rib from coughing so hard! lol anyways, hope you're all on the mend!
PS Thanks for your expert advice!! I really appreciate it! And it seems like everyone else is agreeing with what you said too, so I'll probably go with that one! :)

Unknown said...

Glad you got some answers. The mono diagnosis is crazy. Hopefully with kids it won't be as bad as with teens. Wish I was closer. When does your hubby come home? Didn't you love Biggest Loser? I was happy Danny won.

Mandi Roth said...

I'm so sorry you can't take much!! that stinks! But i hope the meds you are taking help quickly! I had mono in High school. I an glad you got some answers. Hang in there!

The Brandt Clan Fam! said...

Oh dear goodness! I'm glad you got in to see the Doctor! It is great that the kids are acting normal, and the Dr. said Payson gets to go back to preschool...I'm sure she missed it. How long was she out? Is Jason home to help you, or no? Just rest, babe! You've got to get yourself better, and keep that precious baby inside of you growing strong! Don't worry about the house, and hit "play" on the Christmas music! :) You're wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Very jealous! and a little wierded out that your "babies" have mono. That's something I've never heard of before.

So, I know you don't have facebook anymore so feel free to delete this if you need to, but have you asked your doc about taking the anxiety meds while preggo? I can't take mine and I know that most are that way so I was just checking. Which one are you on, btw?

Trish Griffee said...

Oh man...your right I didn't guess right at all. That stinks. I hope you all feel better soon:)

Semi Granola Mom said...

I need your current addy, I have old pg one for your christmas card :)

Jobi Niu said...

NO WAY!!! CUH-RAZY! I'm sorry. I hope everyone gets better ASAP! We prayed for you and so did my sweet Mom :] She likes to read your blog. I can't imagine going through all of this PREGNANT!!! AHHH. I'm so sorry. Hang in there girl..

womanoforangerinds8 said...

I've sort of been MIA for the past—well, I don't remember how long, but it's been a long time. I'm so sorry you're sick! I had a sinus infection once and it was awful. And to have it during the colder months of the year...crappy! You take care. I'm glad Payson likes school. That's soooo cute!