Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratitude Day 17

Today I'm just grateful for being grateful. That may sound silly, or maybe even like a cop out. But the last few days have been jam packed with busy-ness and stress. It has been so good to sit down at the end of the night and think about what I'm grateful for during the day. It gives me a few minutes of peace and even on my worst day I can find so many things to be thankful for. I keep considering continuing this in some form after November. It feels good to focus on positives. Especially for a complainer like me who is so good at whining about the hard things. Having this silly little goal of posting one thing I'm thankful for each day has been significant in my daily life. Every time I've started to get too stressed I've been reminded to be grateful. I have so many blessings!!!!


James and Cassidee said...

I like reading your graitude posts. I actually gave my message to my visiting teaching ladies about President Monson's talk on gratitude from this past conference session. Showing gratitude really does help you focus on good and not bad in our lives.

Hilary said...

I can totally relate to this. I'm a natural complainer too, but I do try to be grateful everyday. I had a class in college in which the teacher required us to keep a daily gratitude journal. It really did make a difference in my life. I really should start that back up again!