Thursday, February 4, 2010

A blog etiquette question...

So I have a list of about 4 gillion (it's a real number) blogs that I read. When I first started blogging I just added every single blog I came across. It was new and exciting. It was so fun!! And I loved peeking into all these people's lives. Old high school friends, ex boyfriends and their new wives and families (don't judge me), etc. I used to comment on just about everyone's blogs every time I read them. I figure I like comments, so does everyone else. And it's polite to let someone know you're watching them.

Well, that was then. NOW, I have certain "blog buddies" who I love to stalk. Some family, some close friends. And I have several blogs that I just love to read, whether they are strangers or not. Add those to all the old blogs I read and you have hours and hours and hours spent on the computer.

So I stopped commenting so much. If you comment on my blog, I try to comment on yours often. It's polite. Plus, I like you! And your comments! If I like your post or actually have something to say about it, I comment. Otherwise, I don't. I just don't have the time.

And speaking of not having the time, this is the whole point behind the post. I don't have the time to read everyone's blogs. It stresses me out. So I need to cut back. No big deal. But here's my question: If I start deleting people's blogs from my list, am I just a big fat jerk? What if they notice? Will they feel bad?

You see, there are some I still plan to read, because I love blogging and I love my friends. But people who don't update often or who post boring crap or who I'm just not that close to, I don't want to waste my time reading. SORRY!! I really really am!

So what do I do? Am I being rude? What do you think?


Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

Nope, you're just realistic. Don't blame ya. I've cut down the # of blogs I read for the same reason, takes way too much time.

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

psh, I dont think its rude....if you already have a super-long blog list, I doubt people will even notice if theyre not on there anymore. AND if youre not even that close to some of them, they may not check your blog often enough to notice!

ps...dont delete me! :) hahaha

Nicole said...

If they get hurt feelings then they obviously don't care about you otherwise they would understand.

The Brandt Clan Fam! said...

I think people get offended too easily. If blog worries are there only worries...they have too simple of a life. My solution, personally, would be to take them all off of my blog. That way nobody can be offended, and you can still check the blogs that you actually really want to. This, though, is coming from a gal who never wanted a blog list, and never has had one. You can delete me. I wont be offended. I don't post for other people, I post for me. It's my "scrapbook" that I just print out at the end of each year. Well, ok, I post for my parents too, let me be honest. :) Maybe I'm just the odd man out?!? It's your blog, you do what you want.

Semi Granola Mom said...

I would be crushed *tear*
ha, no, all would be well, I would make an effort to comment on your blog, so then maybe get added back to the list ;)


ps, if you need something to blog about, I have a youtube video that needs views to help me win a ctmh contest ;) hint hint


James and Cassidee said...

I don't think its rude at all. Sometimes I think its healthy. I won't be offended if you don't read my blog so I don't see why other people would be. I am going to keep reading yours though! You are very uplifting and inspiring. The kind of blog somebody should read.

Trish Griffee said...

LOL..M you kill me. I feel like you. There is not nearly enough time. I try to comment on some but I don't feel guilty if I have nothing to say.

Kathlen said...

You are so funny, I love you. I say do what you got to do, just don't delete me :)!!

Hilary said...

I really don't think it's a big deal to revise your blog list to only include people who you actually want to keep up with. It can get totally out of control if you don't do that to some extent.
I agree with Cassidee. Regardless of what you do, I will still read your blog because I like it :) I always love to see comments from you on my blog too, but I'm not going to hold it against you if you don't comment. That's just silly. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I have asked this same question. You know who you have built a relationship with and who you haven't. I keep seperate lists for "blogs of interest" and "friend blogs". In fact you started out on my blog of interest and have since moved to friend.

Some blogs I deleted after I realized I may have enjoyed a few of their postings but overall they were not in balance with my values or were boring or just not what I was interested in.

Just do what is best for you. I can't keep up or comment on everything that is out there.

All my best,

Megan said...

Okay, okay...I'll blog more often so I don't get deleted. It's always something on my list to do, but it keeps getting pushed further down the list. Delete whomever you're the boss! Love ya!

Denise said...

Do you go to everyone's blogs separately? If so, then I highly recommend Google Reader. All the new posts show in one window, and you just scroll down, reading what you want, skimming, skipping, whatever floats your boat. Or you can just click each one separately from there, if you prefer.

The beauty of this is, nobody knows if they're in your reader or not, so no hurt feelings. Everybody wins.

Blogging can get VERY overwhelming if you let it. No shame in getting it under control!

Ashlee Salisbury said...

dont feel bad if you delete my blog, but I will still blog stalk your blog, I like how you feel and what you write your real about it.. your not trying to make your life sound so perfect so others would be jeaulos your real and I like that...
ashlee ence salsibury