Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Charlie bit me...

I just thought this was so cute and hilarious! My little sister, Maren's friend showed me this YouTube video and it cracked me up. The kid's accent is so cute! And the baby totally laughs like he did it on purpose! So funny! Anyway, if your sense of humor is anything like mine, maybe it will be a laugh for you too!!


Kathlen said...

That is so cute! Brett bit me yesterday, so I can sympathize with that boy. "That really hurt!"

The McKell Family said...

That is so adorable! That little boys voice is so dang cute!!

Semi Granola Mom said...

LOL, that is hilarious... Jasmin had to come see what mommy was laughing at I found it so funny.

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

i LOVE this video too! My sister showed it to me when we were in CA last month....
"it really hurt!" SO cute...to bad my husband isn't from England, because I NEED some british kids!

Jobi Niu said...

HA HA HA The accent.. LOVE! SO Jett is sick and so am I!! :( When do you leave? My gosh.. I'm gettin excited for you guys!